quarta-feira, outubro 18, 2006

MUSE - Stockholm Syndrome

Neste post vou apenas deixar a letra e um link para o vídeo desta música que eu realmente adoro.

Síndrome de Estocolmo é quando durante um rapto ou outras situações críticas envolvendo captores e vítimas, esta acaba simpatizando e criando um laço afetivo muito forte com os que estão de certa forma em poder dela.

Vídeo: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IfmyIdyi98g

I won't stand in your way
let your hatred grow
and she'll scream
and she'll shout
and she'll pray
and she had a name
yeah she had a name

and I won't hold you back
let your anger rise
and we'll fly
and we'll fall
and we'll burn
no one will recall
no one will recall

this is the last time I'll abandon you
and this is the last time I'll forget you
I wish I could

look to the stars
let hope burn in your eyes
and we'll love
and we'll hope
and we'll die
all to no avail
all to no avail

this is the last time I'll abandon you
and this is the last time I'll forget you
I wish I could

this is the last time I'll abandon you
and this is the last time I'll forget you
I wish I could
I wish I could